Collateral Dammage
George Bush!I’d like to pin open his eyes
like Alex in Clockwork Orange
make him focus
on every charred child
every mourning mother,
every purple-blood soaked brother
sprawled on the streets of Falluja,
every warped, melted,
broken piece of iron,
every street covered
shattered black burnt glass
and grey ash
in Ramadi or Mosul,
every shrapnel torn innocent
shredded in a million
pieces of flesh
and kidney, and intestine,
and brain, and lung, and heart,
splattered on the walls,
the doors, the windows---
another syncopated life ---
the ashened earth,
even in his Green Zone.
And bind his hands
behind his back
so he can’t cover his ears,
and make him listen
to the screeching,
the helpless babe
yanking his bloodied,
smashed, decapitated,
unmovable mother's
corpse, and all the screaming
and crying and
grief stricken howls
from elongated
contorted naked faces
of families un-made
by yet another IED blast,
another trigger happy soldier
or another laser guided,
GPS guided, mis-guided
“smart” bomb off target.
Collateral dammage...
Straight from alabaster D.C.
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